Spring Festival
When the New Year starts in the West, they will start preparing for the Chinese New Year (CNY) in China. The Spring Festival is a festival at the beginning of a new year according to the Chinese calendar.
China closed
In China this is the ‘party’ of the year, and is celebrated for two weeks. Almost all producers close their factories. Factory workers and office workers go back to their place of birth, this to celebrate with family and friends. The days around this celebration are all running at a slow pace. For example, our team will also be rewarded with free days, a return ticket to their hometown and with the necessary CNY bonuses.
Production stress
Stress about the last orders that still have to be completed is a point of attention every year for our clients. These orders often receive less attention than usual. Every year we have a number of examples that, based on promises and trust, everything will be alright. Examples that in the end shipments arrive half or with lots of defects, unfortunately still occur frequently. This risk can easily be prevented by having a Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI) carried out prematurely, so that you can be sure that your goods have received the right attention and have the desired quality. Knowing that everything is being loaded can be solved by a Container Loading Check (CLC).
Book your container on time, because there is a scarcity around this period. Almost all China importers want their goods shipped for CNY, to prevent a few weeks delay. Very annoying, when you have products ready for shipment, but you do not have a container.
After Chinese New Year
If the goods are not ready in time, or you have not been able to get hold of a container, it is best to face reality. After CNY holidays, start-up problems arise due to staff shortages. Especially factory workers choose a different job during this period, usually because they can find work closer to home, or earn better or are loyal to family and friends who need their help. In addition to having the workforce in order again, stocks must also be replenished.
Stock & Inspection
Make sure you plan ahead! Order additional stock on time. Your products in China need all the attention, check them well and avoid unnecessary risks. Increase your quality inspections. We can help you with these inspections as an independent QC company. Especially after CNY, your products deserve extra attention if there are new factory workers who make your products without knowledge of your quality requirements.
Year of the Pig
A beautiful country, with infinite possibilities and uncertainties. We wish everyone in China a happy, healthy and blessed new year. We say goodbye to the year of the Dog and welcome the year of the Pig. The year of the Pig stands for, among other things, truthful and understanding. Exactly what we do with our Quality Controls through our inspections and clear reports.