Sourcing – Trading: We take care of your purchasing

Trading: we handle your sourcing from China


You may have a fairly simple product and only need to import it from China once. In that case, you can also leave everything to us. This has the advantage that you do not have to deal with the whole purchasing process and that you get a total price including delivery within Europe.

Large network of Chinese suppliers

Over the past 20 years, Coolen China has built a large network of Chinese suppliers and manufacturers to whom we can submit your request. This extensive network and our years of experience ensure that we are confident of a good price, quality, and delivery time. This allows us to function as the importer, relieving you of all your concerns.

Let us help you with your sourcing from China

If you want to buy in China through a commercial agent, we recommend this approach. Then you don’t have to worry about the complete procurement process and the associated risks.

Get in touch!

Would you like us to handle your sourcing from China? We’d be happy to help. Contact Coolen China here, and you’ll hear from us soon.

Want to completely outsource your sourcing? Then check out our service: Complete approach. Have you already made a preliminary selection of possible products? Check out our “Building on” your pre-selection service.

Coolen China is your specialist in purchasing from China, with points of contact in the Netherlands!


Sourcing – Building on your preselection

Sourcing China: building on your preselection


We find that many entrepreneurs do the necessary preliminary research themselves or have already placed orders. We also see that Alibaba is often used to getting in touch with the manufacturer. We are aware of both the great successes and the great disappointments in this regard.

Help with sourcing China

If you have already done the necessary preliminary research yourself, you may already have a pre-selected list of contacts. You may have acquired these through the Internet, trade shows, or your own network. If you want to expand beyond your current contacts, You get answers to questions like, “Do they represent a company, or is it a one-person operation?” and “Is the company a trading company, manufacturer, or a combination?” This is critical information if you want to expand your purchasing.

Your sourcing agent in China

Our years of experience show that many factories really like having someone within your company represent them in China. In that case, you can always continue to speak in your own language, and you have a backup in the form of a representative if miscommunication arises. In addition, we can always conduct a Factory Audit by mutual agreement. For more information about a Factory Audit, visit our Quality Control (QC) China website.

Get in touch!

Want to “build on” your existing preselection? Coolen China would love to help you. Contact us here, and we’ll talk to you soon.

Would you rather outsource your sourcing completely? Then check out our service: Complete approach. Want to outsource your complete sourcing? Then take a look at our service: Trading: We take care of your sourcing.

Coolen China is your sourcing specialist in China, with points of contact in the Netherlands!


Sourcing – Complete approach

China Sourcing: complete approach


Coolen China handles the entire sourcing process from start to finish, always aiming for the maximum result.

Our approach to sourcing in China

To start the China sourcing process well-prepared, we ask you for the following information:

  • Desired numbers for order (annualized forecast)
  • Specifications with a sample of the product if necessary
  • Working drawings and/or photographs
  • Latest prices (EXW, CIF, FOB)
  • Preferred time schedule
  • Required certifications (if applicable)
  • Other wishes and requirements

For example, if you are already in contact with manufacturers in China, we will ask you for an overview of the factories you have already approached and the status of your application. When we have this data, we have a good picture of your current situation. Based on this, we assess the feasibility of the process, including workability. When all signals are green, we make a final proposal.

After the proposal

We work everything out in English after you agree to our proposal. Then we make sure that this information reaches our team in China, after which we get to work. We make use of our existing network and local trade fairs.

Based on this, we create a list of potential producers. We filter this according to your requirements and wishes into a so-called “long list,” which we then reduce to a “short list.” Here we also distinguish between traders and real producers. Finally, we work toward a top two or top three that we will produce a sample of in consultation with you. This is followed by a visit to the factory, where we check for all safety regulations to make any agreements afterward.

“Your selection Would you rather outsource your entire procurement? Take a look at our service: Trading: We take care of your purchasing.

Coolen China is your sourcing specialist in China, with points of contact in the Netherlands!


Product development

Product development China


Whereas China used to be a production country, today it is also a product development country. A product can now be developed and marketed from A to Z in China. Coolen China is also happy to support you in this change.

Product development assistance in China

“Stick to what you know,” we always say. Our main business is sourcing, purchasing, and quality. When we feel we are not adding value, we don’t get involved. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be of service to you where product development is concerned. In fact, Coolen China has a broad network with associated partners in the West and China, which we can always make good use of. We list and advise, never losing sight of your needs.

Get in touch!

Want to know more about our product development support in China? Then get in touch with Coolen China; we are happy to help.





A good and professional preliminary process leads to a clear and valuable relationship.

Procurement contracts China

Communication plays an important role everywhere in the world, including in China. Therefore, we also recommend that all agreements made regarding procurement be recorded by contract.

This has many advantages. For example, you avoid misunderstandings about the agreements made, and the state of affairs is clear to all parties involved. Coolen China helps you with these purchase contracts. If you draw up purchase contracts once, you can use them for years to come. This also applies to the legal services with which Coolen China supports you.

The importance of procurement contracts in China

It probably doesn’t surprise you that there are a lot of cultural differences between China and the West in procurement processes. Consider, for example, the perception and value of a contract. Furthermore, in China, litigation frequently results in only losers. This shows the importance of clear contracts and thorough research into the parties you do business with. This takes time, energy, and money but is worth the investment. It will save you a lot of time and money in the long run.

Cheap is expensive, and the ultimate goal is, of course, that you receive a good product at the right price, delivery time, and quality. This is why we believe a good and professional preliminary process is so important, resulting in a clear and valuable relationship.

Get in touch!

Coolen China offers expertise in procurement contracts in China, with a point of contact in the Netherlands. Curious? Then get in touch with us!


Suppliers and manufacturers

Suppliers and manufacturers


Chinese suppliers and manufacturers, especially, know that the relationship between the client and the company is very important. In fact, it forms the basis for doing business in the long run, whereas in the West, a win-win situation for both parties is primarily number one. Remember that a good relationship with your Chinese business partner has a positive effect on prices, delivery times, and quality.

Knowledge and expertise in doing business with Chinese suppliers and manufacturers

At Coolen China, we know both the mentality based on a win-win situation and that based on a good relationship. We have experience with both ways of working and know exactly when it is best to apply either way. Moreover, we speak the Chinese language, which immediately prevents loss of face, another important factor. We advise on how to effortlessly bridge cultural differences without abandoning your own norms and values.

Ultimately, of course, you want a good product in the right conditions, such as price, delivery time, and quality; we understand that. That is why we see it as our task to achieve and maintain this.

We do this by sharing our knowledge and expertise about China in the areas of:

  • Culture
  • Language
  • Quality awareness
  • Way of doing business
  • Negotiation techniques

In addition, we are happy to offer you our general knowledge on:

  • Contracts
  • Import
  • International agreements
  • Enter

Get in touch!

Do you want to approach your Chinese suppliers and manufacturers in the right way during the purchasing process? Coolen China supports you with this. Please contact us for more information.


Legal Services

Legal Services


Coolen China actively works with lawyers in China.

Legal services in your procurement process in China

When you are involved in purchasing, quality, and outsourcing in China, it is important to have your activities legally in order. Coolen China actively cooperates with lawyers in China, so we can relieve you in various ways. We do this by, among other things:

  • Formation or restructuring of companies
  • Advising on and supervising transactions
  • Drafting agreements
  • Registration of brands, both image, and name
  • Referral to Chinese lawyers and supervision of contact with them
  • General legal advice in the international context

Advantage legal services in the procurement process in Chinausus, and we’ll talk to you soon.


Quality control

Quality Control


Quality Control inspects the quality of products from China, Vietnam, and India.

Product checks and inspections in China

When doing business with China and/or other parts of Asia, it is important to properly investigate the producers involved. Quality Control (QC) China was specifically designed for this purpose.

Quality Control China falls under Coolen China, and its main activity is to check products for authenticity. We do this on location, of course. In addition to Quality Control China, Quality Control India and Quality Control Vietnam also fall under Coolen China. This means you can always be sure that the products are good and genuine.

Various types of product checks and inspections

Quality Control offers the following checks and inspections:

  • First Article Check – Verification of the first production
  • During Production Check – Check during production
  • Pre-Shipment Inspection / Final Random Inspection – Final inspection before shipment.
  • Container Loading Check / Loading Supervision – Supervision during loading.
  • Factory Audit – Audit of the factory

Want to know more about our product checks and inspections?

Quality control provides complete visibility into a portion of or the entire manufacturing process. It just depends on what you want. A complete explanation of Quality Control (QC) in China can be found on our website:


Communication in China


Communication in China

Smooth communication with China is indispensable. After all, good communication is half the battle and goes far beyond words.

For example, communication is also about traditions and customs in conversations. When you engage in conversation with someone from another culture, there are many things to pay attention to. What role do you assume, and how can you achieve your goal without jeopardizing the relationship with your interlocutor? Therefore, loss of face plays a big role in Chinese communication.

Social rules in communication in China

There are many “social rules,” but communicating can be learned. Coolen China has over 20 years of experience in communicating with China and will teach you these social rules. We have learned that flexibility is perceived differently in the West and China. Having a Chinese person communicate with a Chinese person, preferably from your own region, gives a lot of confidence and understanding. A process we are happy to facilitate for you.

Get in touch!

Want to leverage our expertise in communicating with China? Contact us to discuss how we can be of service together.


Purchasing Guidance

Procurement guidance in China


Procurement assistance in China is one of our specializations. We relieve your concerns and guide you through the procurement process so that it goes as smoothly as possible. This is possible if you have found a producer through a sourcing process with us, but also if you already have a producer.

The different components of procurement guidance in China

Procurement support is a broad term and consists of many different components. This is a good thing because in this way we can really guide you from A to Z. For example:

  • Communications
  • Aligning wishes and requirements
  • Negotiations
  • Drafting procurement contracts
  • Advice on culture, payment terms, transportation et cetera
  • Advice on International Commercial Terms (Incoterms).
  • Advice and assistance throughout the process

Get in touch!

Do you do business with China and want to be fully guided during the procurement process? We represent you in China. Please contact us for the possibilities.